
Wanqiang Zhang - Curriculum Vitae
Wanqiang Zhang

Wanqiang Zhang


B.E. in Software Engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University


Sept. 2016 - Jun. 2021, Score: 84.72/ 100

Relavant coursework: Programming and Data Structure,Introduction to Computer System,Principle of Database System,Principle of Algorithm, Introduction to Software Engineering, Computer System Engineering, Compiler, Operating System, Distributed System.

Work Experience


Dec 2017 - Feb 2018

Responsible for the front-end development of Shanghai Construction Examination Platform.

Zhiyuan College

Oct 2018 - Feb 2020

Responsible for the back-end development of the official website and background management system of Zhiyuan College.

Mengxi Investment

July 2020 - Present

Responsible for the development of trading system.


Exort Project

Leader of a group of five, course project

  • It's the association management and social platform
  • Tech Stack: Vue, Spring boot, microservice architecture and k8s.

Tiger Compiler

Personal project of the compiler course.

  • Personal project of the compiler course.


Personal project of the distributed system course.

  • Distributed Key-Value Storage System.
  • Tech Stack: cpp, zookeeper, grpc.

Optiver SJTU 2019 Project --TobeCarried & OnePunch

Enterprise cooperation project.

  • Responsible for the security development part of the program. We are trying to find out what one anonymous program is doing and do sth more.
  • Tech Stack: cpp, ptrace, rdtscp and some security exploring.

Honors & Achievements

  • Optiver Scholarship (2019)
  • Member of Champion Team in JaneStreet Electronic Trading Competition in SJTU (2018)
  • National Encouragement Scholarship (2018)
  • the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Class B Scholarship (2018)
  • Meritorious Winner in Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) (2017)
  • Zhiyuan Honorary Scholarship (2016)